1831 certified users on 11'Clubhouse - 93 countries

    Note: Users listed below have certified their account on 11'Clubhouse. to be listed in your country's leaderbord !

    Switzerland (CH) : 12 users

    •   Username Region Last ingame ETT World Rank Current Elo
    • #1 Swiss11Rally Genève 7 days ago #3 3661 Elo
    • #2 xmjfred - 7 hours ago #448 2839 Elo
    • #3 GeneralFailure - 2 months ago #1259 2594 Elo
    • #4 PgunMan Carrouge 16 days ago #0 2467 Elo
    • #5 Exc4libur - 13 hours ago #0 2396 Elo
    • #6 Diablo-g(FR) Fully 5 days ago #3795 2336 Elo
    • #7 NotSoBad - 20 hours ago #0 2294 Elo
    • #8 mawadre - 16 days ago #0 2002 Elo
    • #9 shaneli - 5 months ago #24264 1839 Elo
    • #10 11G_FluffyHamster Herisau 4 months ago #0 1716 Elo
    • #11 skelzer - 2 months ago #94400 1563 Elo
    • #12 glm96 - 2 months ago #130909 1527 Elo