
Palestinian Territories
Not specified.
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Not specified.
Oculus Quest 2
Paddle adapter
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IRL Player
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Joined since
March 26, 2023 (> 1 year ago)
Last ingame
4 months ago
Username history


Fairplay Score : 1.6(9 votes)
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Last matches per day

  1.   Unranked Ranked  
  2. Date Win/Loss Win/Loss Elo
  3. Apr. 12, 2024 0/0 1/1 -8
  4. Apr. 3, 2024 0/0 6/6 -47
  5. Apr. 2, 2024 0/0 0/1 -18
  6. Apr. 1, 2024 0/0 2/0 +2
  7. Mar. 29, 2024 0/0 8/1 +55
  8. Mar. 28, 2024 0/0 5/1 +13
  9. Mar. 27, 2024 0/0 5/5 -41
  10. Mar. 26, 2024 0/0 4/0 +25
  11. Mar. 25, 2024 0/0 4/2 -14
  12. Mar. 20, 2024 0/0 5/7 -19

Hall of Fame

Best Elo rank ever
3071 Elo, on October 25, 2023
Biggest Elo win within last 100 matches
+24 Elo / LoadingOnVR (3061)
Biggest Elo loss within last 100 matches
-28 Elo / Ponetic (2536)
Most played opponents
pier777 - 23 matches
11G_dsm - 23 matches
NVR001 - 20 matches
Family-gamerVR - 19 matches
mot - 18 matches
Highest Elo opponent
mbianco (3324)
The biggest Elo robbery
+212 Elo from LoadingOnVR in 9 wins
Most match played in one day
38 matches on October 29, 2023
Ranked wins in a row within last 100 matches
11 wins on March 28, 2024
Ranked losses in a row within last 100 matches
6 losses on April 3, 2024

Online usual hours

Timezone :

Horus97 statistics - 30 days

  1. 30d
1614matches played
71%1148matches won
631unique opponents
1400matches played
70%983matches won
545unique opponents
156matches played
60%95matches won
109unique opponents
80matches played
61%49matches won
64unique opponents

Last matches played

Elo change+8
Elo diff.-172
April 12, 2024 at 15:32

Horus972766 Elo


niceooo2594 Elo

Elo change-16
Elo diff.-15
April 12, 2024 at 15:27

Horus972782 Elo



VIOLENTPANDA 4 months ago Is this long pimps? It really took me a lot of effort to win once.
Elo change-27
Elo diff.-333
April 3, 2024 at 22:52

Horus972809 Elo


El Matador2476 Elo

Elo change-4
Elo diff.+317
April 3, 2024 at 19:39

Horus972813 Elo


zephyr83130 Elo

Elo change-13
Elo diff.+56
April 3, 2024 at 19:33

Horus972826 Elo


Ilzi2882 Elo

Elo change-12
Elo diff.+78
April 3, 2024 at 17:12

Horus972838 Elo


ferchi2916 Elo

Elo change-17
Elo diff.-40
April 3, 2024 at 17:08

Horus972855 Elo


Peremoga2815 Elo

Elo change+5
Elo diff.-272
April 3, 2024 at 17:03

Horus972850 Elo


Neiluj5832578 Elo

Elo change+6
Elo diff.-228
April 3, 2024 at 16:59

Horus972844 Elo


nogz2616 Elo

Elo change+3
Elo diff.-358
April 3, 2024 at 16:55

Horus972841 Elo



Elo change+16
Elo diff.+14
April 3, 2024 at 16:52

Horus972825 Elo

Elo change-16
Elo diff.-17
April 3, 2024 at 16:47

Horus972841 Elo



Related to match #52507503
VIOLENTPANDA 4 months ago Is this long pimps? It really took me a lot of effort to win once.
Obi-Pong~2500 7 months ago guy catches me off guard a couple points right out of the gate, decides im not good enough for him, brushes me off and leaves....now, i aint the best player who ever picked up a racket but ive managed to beat plenty of players way above his rude ass...and even if i sucked as much as he seems to think i do, you dont just leave like that cuz its like, you know...rude...just a quick wave, or hop on the mic a sec and say whoops gotta go...or...anything better than just basically f@#k you im out...do these people realize that real human beings are on the other end of the table?
Related to match #45770019
dartyarty 11 months ago Sorry for the gesture in the end. Your low throw racket blocking ability brought out the worst. Well played.