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Oculus Quest 2
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Joined since
January 6, 2022 (> 2 years ago)
Last ingame
10 hours ago
Username history


Fairplay Score : 2(1 vote)
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Hall of Fame

Best Elo rank ever
2249 Elo, on September 13, 2023
Biggest Elo win within last 100 matches
+27 Elo / MaestroVibez (2430)
Biggest Elo loss within last 100 matches
-28 Elo / Robot_Wizard_MC (1885)
Most played opponents
skys - 7 matches
Highest Elo opponent
VR_The_Champion (2687)
The biggest Elo robbery
+113 Elo from skys in 5 wins
Most match played in one day
42 matches on February 23, 2022
Ranked wins in a row within last 100 matches
7 wins on December 20, 2023
Ranked losses in a row within last 100 matches
6 losses on October 31, 2023

Online usual hours

Timezone :

MoneyManMas statistics - 30 days

  1. 30d
1552matches played
52%820matches won
1248unique opponents
511matches played
54%281matches won
401unique opponents
44matches played
54%24matches won
44unique opponents
2matches played
0%0matches won
2unique opponents

Last matches played


Related to match #46163247
Not2Busy 7 months ago This guy is a loser. You know, BIG Douch Bag. He all of a sudden realized that he was going to lose then went into a freeze position, exiting the game. Take a look at his stats. Interesting. Well, the way I look at it is that there always has to be at least 5% of the population that are dumb, and losers...lol