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Oculus Quest 2
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Joined since
February 1, 2023 (> 1 year ago)
Last ingame
14 days ago
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Hall of Fame

Best Elo rank ever
1952 Elo, on March 21, 2023
Biggest Elo win within last 100 matches
+24 Elo / 11FR_matsixty (1876)
Biggest Elo loss within last 100 matches
-24 Elo / marvel1986.2023 (1573)
Most played opponents
jk5563 - 8 matches
Highest Elo opponent
Baller_83 (2491)
The biggest Elo robbery
+55 Elo from PicoFans_PYGKTD0 in 4 wins
Most match played in one day
30 matches on March 9, 2023
Ranked wins in a row within last 100 matches
9 wins on January 1, 2024
Ranked losses in a row within last 100 matches
7 losses on December 30, 2023

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noobnooob9 statistics - 30 days

  1. 30d
710matches played
55%395matches won
523unique opponents
710matches played
55%395matches won
523unique opponents
60matches played
63%38matches won
46unique opponents
60matches played
63%38matches won
46unique opponents

Last matches played


Don Choudhry 4 months ago Excellent side spin and awareness of ball placement. Good control over the ball.
Related to match #48766369
Don Choudhry 4 months ago Learned a lot how to play a side spin like yours. There was a logt of lag just at the wrong time for me quite a few times, that was very frustrating other who know, I might have won more than only once. Would love to play with you again.