I Am Lorde Ya Ya Y...

Elo1529Rank #0


Not specified.
Not specified.
Not specified.
Not specified.
OpenVR Headset(Vive. MV)
Paddle adapter
Not specified.
IRL Player
Not specified.
Not specified.
Joined since
January 14, 2022 (> 2 years ago)
Last ingame
8 months ago
Username history


Fairplay Score : N/D
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Last matches per day

  1.   Unranked Ranked  
  2. Date Win/Loss Win/Loss Elo
  3. Apr. 29, 2023 0/0 0/1 -16
  4. Apr. 22, 2023 0/0 1/3 -30
  5. Apr. 19, 2023 0/0 1/2 -20
  6. Apr. 18, 2023 1/0 2/1 -1
  7. Apr. 16, 2023 0/0 2/2 -5
  8. Feb. 12, 2022 0/0 2/6 -24
  9. Feb. 11, 2022 0/0 4/3 -10
  10. Feb. 9, 2022 0/0 3/4 -17
  11. Feb. 6, 2022 0/0 8/3 +57
  12. Feb. 5, 2022 0/0 7/7 -6

Hall of Fame

Best Elo rank ever
1671 Elo, on February 6, 2022
Biggest Elo win within last 100 matches
+28 Elo / cgmtn (1929)
Biggest Elo loss within last 100 matches
-25 Elo / tedv142 (1438)
Most played opponents
JJJmolina - 3 matches
Hovo20 - 3 matches
JakPac - 3 matches
eliter35 - 3 matches
theshanergy - 3 matches
Highest Elo opponent
11PA-CHIESA7 (2135)
The biggest Elo robbery
+29 Elo from ehv1126 in 2 wins
Most match played in one day
25 matches on January 30, 2022
Ranked wins in a row within last 100 matches
5 wins on February 6, 2022
Ranked losses in a row within last 100 matches
7 losses on February 11, 2022

Online usual hours

Timezone :

I Am Lorde Ya Ya Y... statistics - 30 days

  1. 30d
145matches played
55%80matches won
111unique opponents
17matches played
41%7matches won
14unique opponents
0matches played
-%0matches won
0unique opponents
0matches played
-%0matches won
0unique opponents

Last matches played

Elo change-16
Elo diff.-6
April 29, 2023 at 01:16

I Am Lorde Ya Ya Y...1545 Elo


Blue_Flame1539 Elo

Elo change-4
Elo diff.+306
April 22, 2023 at 22:12

I Am Lorde Ya Ya Y...1549 Elo


001Q1855 Elo

Elo change-11
Elo diff.+93
April 22, 2023 at 22:07

I Am Lorde Ya Ya Y...1560 Elo


boomsaka1653 Elo

Elo change+3
Elo diff.-362
April 22, 2023 at 22:04
Match aborted !

I Am Lorde Ya Ya Y...1557 Elo

Elo change-18
Elo diff.-65
April 22, 2023 at 21:58

I Am Lorde Ya Ya Y...1575 Elo


FamTheLam1510 Elo

Elo change+10
Elo diff.-118
April 19, 2023 at 03:50

I Am Lorde Ya Ya Y...1565 Elo


SCQP1447 Elo

Elo change-14
Elo diff.+30
April 19, 2023 at 03:35

I Am Lorde Ya Ya Y...1579 Elo


SilkMast1609 Elo

Elo change-16
Elo diff.-2
April 19, 2023 at 03:31

I Am Lorde Ya Ya Y...1595 Elo


SilkMast1593 Elo

Elo diff.-43
April 18, 2023 at 01:57
Match aborted !

I Am Lorde Ya Ya Y...1595 Elo


CHN_ZZY1552 Elo

Elo change+4
Elo diff.-314
April 18, 2023 at 01:44

I Am Lorde Ya Ya Y...1591 Elo


TbKnowitall1277 Elo

Elo change+4
Elo diff.-306
April 18, 2023 at 01:37

I Am Lorde Ya Ya Y...1587 Elo


TbKnowitall1281 Elo

Elo change-9
Elo diff.+150
April 18, 2023 at 01:32

I Am Lorde Ya Ya Y...1596 Elo


tambi1746 Elo


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