- Country
- Bahamas
- Region
- Not specified.
- Age
- Not specified.
- Gender
- Not specified.
- Device
- Not specified.
- Paddle adapter
- Not specified.
- IRL Player
- Not specified.
- Description
- Not specified.
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- -
- Last ingame
- 4 hours ago
Fairplay Score : N/D
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Hall of Fame
- Best Elo rank ever
- -
- Biggest Elo win within last 100 matches
- -
- Biggest Elo loss within last 100 matches
- -
- Most played opponents
- -
- Highest Elo opponent
- -
- The biggest Elo robbery
- -
- Most match played in one day
- -
- Ranked wins in a row within last 100 matches
- -
- Ranked losses in a row within last 100 matches
- -
Online usual hours
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Gamervlb91 statistics - 30 days
- 30d
- 90d
- 365d
- All
-matches played
-%-matches won
-unique opponents
-matches played
-%-matches won
-unique opponents
-matches played
-%-matches won
-unique opponents
-matches played
-%-matches won
-unique opponents
Last matches played
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