
Elo1524Rank #97382


Not specified.
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Not specified.
Oculus Quest 2
Paddle adapter
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IRL Player
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Joined since
December 1, 2022 (> 2 years ago)
Last ingame
> 2 years ago
Username history


Fairplay Score : N/D
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Hall of Fame

Best Elo rank ever
1561 Elo, on December 1, 2022
Biggest Elo win within last 100 matches
+23 Elo / 逗比南波万xox... (1693)
Biggest Elo loss within last 100 matches
-20 Elo / wooriny (1454)
Most played opponents
hyj666 - 2 matches
mr gu - 2 matches
Mipu_15 - 1 matches
MACAU - 1 matches
wooriny - 1 matches
Highest Elo opponent
逗比南波万xox... (1693)
The biggest Elo robbery
+23 Elo from 逗比南波万xox... in 1 wins
Most match played in one day
7 matches on December 1, 2022
Ranked wins in a row within last 100 matches
2 wins on December 1, 2022
Ranked losses in a row within last 100 matches
2 losses on December 1, 2022
Time spent playing online matches
0 hour and 45 minutes

Online usual hours

Timezone :

Match Detail (ID:38961707)

Elo change+7
Elo diff.-201
January 12, 2023 at 13:05

OCULUS_17982818107...1519 Elo


Mipu_151318 Elo

Set 1 started at 13:05

OCULUS_1798281810794300 won ! Score : 11 - 9

Set 2 started at 13:07

OCULUS_1798281810794300 won ! Score : 11 - 6