
Elo2815Rank #522


United States
Not specified.
Meta Quest 3
Paddle adapter
I play with SOLIDSLIME adapter
IRL Player
Already played IRL in a TT club
IRL Club Name
Not specified.
I mostly play soccer but occasionally hit the TT club. Offensive play style, weapon: Clipper CR Bluegrip S1 Max both sides
Joined since
October 13, 2020 (> 3 years ago)
Last ingame
1 day ago
Username history
Ingame Settings
GVLP : GVLP+GV+GP LBD : Off BH Bounce : 78 FH Bounce : 78 BH Throw : 1.12 FH Throw : 1.12 BH Spin : 80 FH Spin : 80
Paddle Size


Fairplay Score : 4.7(12 votes)
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Last matches per day

  1.   Unranked Ranked  
  2. Date Win/Loss Win/Loss Elo
  3. Sep. 19, 2024 7/10 1/0 +14
  4. Sep. 18, 2024 7/13 0/0 0
  5. Sep. 15, 2024 2/1 0/0 0
  6. Sep. 14, 2024 8/8 0/0 0
  7. Sep. 13, 2024 9/11 0/0 0
  8. Sep. 12, 2024 1/7 0/0 0
  9. Sep. 11, 2024 1/1 0/0 0
  10. Sep. 8, 2024 5/0 0/0 0
  11. Sep. 7, 2024 7/8 0/0 0
  12. Sep. 6, 2024 2/9 0/0 0

Hall of Fame

Best Elo rank ever
2815 Elo, on September 19, 2024
Biggest Elo win within last 100 matches
+26 Elo / Chopper83 (2986)
Biggest Elo loss within last 100 matches
-26 Elo / Glospir (2471)
Most played opponents
AUSTEN76 - 137 matches
JamesJimmyInjured - 123 matches
Hamasuge - 116 matches
JoeTT - 111 matches
EQUALIZER_7 - 100 matches
Highest Elo opponent
Aiphaton (3613)
The biggest Elo robbery
+172 Elo from scotty317 in 12 wins
Most match played in one day
63 matches on January 12, 2021
Ranked wins in a row within last 100 matches
7 wins on April 13, 2023
Ranked losses in a row within last 100 matches
4 losses on October 14, 2023
Time spent playing online matches
808 hours and 50 minutes

Online usual hours

Timezone :


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Libal44 2 days ago Good game man, your backhand is beautiful!
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ronanpintoq3 7 days ago Awesome games a league of his own, amazing knowledge and experience to learn from. I think I should easily get the confidence to play ranked now. Hopefully I can handle the pressure
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CATmiao 10 months ago sorry my connection was not stable yesterday
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[MAS]LANSPARTAN > 1 year ago Thanks for teaching me new setting. Hope to play you again next time😊